Learning, Development and Ofsted

In Baker Street Nursery, every child is seen a strong, competent and unique individual. Each child’s personalised learning style is considered through detailed planning and carefully considered next steps. With consideration for their age, stage, interests and capabilities, every child is considered throughout the provision that is offered to them on a daily basis. All learning is discussed with parents or carers to ensure that development is blended between home and nursery or pre-school. Our aim is to develop children to their next steps by tapping into their individual interests.

Every child has their own, personalised learning journey where regular assessments are completed and compared to our unique and tailored curriculum to understand where they sit within their development. Each child is allocated to a key worker who liaises with their parents to ensure that a well-rounded and holistic picture of the child is available. These assessments and discussions allow for a thorough understanding of the child to be conducted and therefore an understanding of each child’s strengths and areas of concern can be highlighted.

Baker Street Nursery and Pre-school is an innovative childcare setting where children and their development is at the heart of all that we do. We work very closely with local teachers and university lecturers to ensure that the environment is fully equipped to unlock your child’s full potential.

Within Baker Street Nursery and Pre-school, your child is seen as a co-constructor of knowledge.  Staff practise a two-way learning system, where the exchange/communication between adult and child ensures consistent development. Through reflecting on each child’s interests and day-to-day learning, staff can support the children in a holistic manner.

At Baker Street Nursery, we see you and your family as fundamental aspects of your child’s life and therefore strive to build strong working relationships, aiming to achieve the highest quality development for your child’s journey through life.