Policies and Procedures

Our Policies and Procedures

The practice that occurs within Baker Street Nursery and Pre-school is overseen and governed by vigorous policies and procedures which ensure high quality practice is delivered to children at all times. The latest legislation is always considered and implemented throughout the setting. Full policies and procedures are available upon request but important information is as follows:

Equal opportunities Policy: every child, parent and member of staff is treated with respect and is provided with all possible opportunities, regardless of their gender, race, cultural background, beliefs, disabilities, impairments or origin. Every person is treated as a unique individual who has specific or personalised needs which must be tailored to.

Behaviour Management: Our nursery operates on a positive praise system where children are recognised for their achievements, including showing care or considerations for others and responding appropriately to room boundaries and routines. Where children need a little extra support, staff treat all children with respect and, as far as possible, ensure that they understand how to respond appropriately to situations in the future. Staff recognise their responsibilities as role models and demonstrate the behaviour we expect to see throughout the nursery.

Complaints Procedure: Baker Street Nursery and Pre-school operates an open door policy where we encourage children and parents to feel happy and comfortable to discuss any concerns. Parents and children are able to speak with any member of staff including their child’s key worker, the room leader or a member of the management team. Where parents feel that issues have not been resolved appropriately, they are able to escalate concerns to Ofsted whose contact details are clearly available on our ‘Parents’ Notice Board’.

Safeguarding Children: Baker Street Nursery and Pre-school believe that every child is entitled to remain safe from harm or abuse and feel safe and secure within all their environments. The safety of each children is a top priority within the nursery which includes a thorough recruitment process to ensure every staff member is suitable, appropriate liaising with professionals and respected partnerships with parents.